Agreement for Recycling with Vannex International Limited (Vannex):
Accepted Items:
1. Vannex accepts Apple-branded and other OEM products and equipment for recycling.
Items Not Accepted:
1. Other types of consumer electronic equipment such as VCRs, DVDs, televisions, etc.
2. Disassembled notebook/laptop computers or monitors with cracked or broken glass.
3. Devices with loose batteries, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), or back-up battery systems with lead-acid batteries.
4. Non-integral parts of the original Apple products to be recycled.
Hazardous electronic waste, including:
1. Loose batteries
2. UPS/back-up battery systems
3. Disassembled or damaged CRT or LCD monitors
4. Products contaminated or suspected to be contaminated with chemicals or biological agents.
Vannex's Commitments:
1. Compliance with all relevant Federal, State, Local, and International Environmental laws regarding electronic waste.
2. Adherence to best practices in Electronic Recycling Management.
3. Environmentally friendly recycling and recovery of electronic products, utilizing advanced technologies to maximize material recovery.
4. Execution of Data Destruction on all hard drives and data storage media devices.
Consumer Responsibilities:
1. Data Deletion: The consumer is responsible for deleting all confidential and proprietary data from all computer hardware, data storage,
And electronic devices before they leave the consumer's premises.
2. Liability for Data: Vannex is not liable for any data not deleted from devices before packing and shipping.
3. Non-return of Items: Acknowledgement that all hardware and media devices will not be returned once accepted for shipment.
Consumer Agreements:
1. Hazardous Materials: Agreement not to ship any hazardous materials.
2. Packaging: Products and equipment must be packaged to minimize damage and exposure to hazardous materials during shipping.
3. All boxes must be securely closed and sealed to prevent component breakage or loss during transport.
This agreement ensures that the recycling process is conducted safely, responsibly, and in compliance with environmental standards.